Secret Sister Shoe Bags for Girls Camp or Other Activities

Last year, we used secret sister shoe bags for secret sisters. You know the clear hanging shoe holders that you normally put on the back of a door? Those are the shoe bags I’m talking about.

I think it’s a tradition to use these shoe bags at camp in some wards. People like doing this so the girls can easily and discreetly leave a gift for their secret sisters. Especially when you’re in tents, it’s more tricky to sneak a gift into someone else’s tent. Of course, that’s also super fun! However, we also hung up these shoe bags in case the girls wanted to leave thoughts and gifts that way. They did use them a lot, so it was good to have them.

Unfortunately, I didn’t get a photo of the shoe bags at camp. I’ll upload a sample of the cards.

Tip: I ended up laminating the cards that were going in the shoe bags. I was concerned the paper would get demolished as the girls stuffed things in the pockets. Laminating the paper really helped them last throughout camp. It was also really quick and easy to laminate them, so worth the few minutes!

We printed full-page sheets to greet the girls at camp, and we also printed small cards that we put inside the shoe bags. Above I’ve inserted the design the girls chose. I have this and several other design options in my Etsy shop, if you’d like an editable file to start with, or you can create one yourself!

I think it’s fun for the girls to have a positive statement hanging up at camp. These are very personal and uplifting, so I’m a fan.

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