Magnet Board & Dry Erase – YW Activity, RS Enrichment, Primary Activity Days, or Camp Gift

This was a gift we gave each Young Woman about four years ago.  We gave it to them at New Beginnings, and each month they received a magnet that went with that month’s personal progress value.  Our intention was that the young women could keep activity and personal progress reminders on the board, since we were having a lot of lost items at that time. 🙂
I honestly don’t know if the boards were used for that purpose, but I think the monthly magnet with the value color and reminder were helpful.  As you can see, you can also use it with dry erase markers, so it’s dual purpose.
If you know how to work with wood and metal, you know how to do this.  If you don’t know how to work with wood and metal, you may be able to find someone else to do it, or you can teach yourself!
1. Cut the wood into strips about 1.5 inches wide. Miter the ends and put the pieces together to create a frame.
Buy frames with the look you are going for.  Ideally, the frames will be wood because it’s sturdy and will hold the metal better.  The metal is pretty heavy, so gluing it to the frame won’t work.  If you don’t buy a wood frame, buy a frame that has a slide in track that the metal can fit in.
2.  Have someone cut and sand the metal for you!  (If you buy the metal at a shop, they may be willing to do this for free.)   Also ask them to drill some holes along the edges so you can attach the metal to the wood frame.  You can skip the holes if you’re using a track frame and can slide the metal in.
3.   Lay the frame and metal on a table so the back is facing up.
4.  Push thumbtacks through the holes to attach the metal to the frame.  Easy, huh?  You can use screws if you want, but mine has stayed on with the thumbtacks for over a year. We let the young women do this themselves, and they did need a little help sometimes.
Obviously, if you bought a “track” type of frame, you would just slide the metal in the track and be done.  I would glue the metal in once you’re inserted it, just to be certain it stays in the track.  I’ve had glass fall out of those tracks, so they make me nervous without glue.

I left my magnet board unpainted (no time because I was helping the girls!), but we had paints and stickers and the young women were able to decorate their magnet boards however they wanted.

This is a super fun and useful craft, and it’s a great way to help them display scriptures and quotes they may get at church. Let me know how it goes.

Last year at camp, we did a magnet board too, but with the pattern affixed to the board.  They were really cute.  I’ll snap a pic and post that one too.
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