XXL Potential in You

Do you ever feel insignificant?  Like no one thinks you’re worth much or are capable of much?

I have felt that way, so I loved the license plate on this car when I saw it.  It made me smile.  It’s a mini car with a license plate that reads “XXL”.

We are each extra large in potential, even if all others can see is the miniature portion of our true worth.  Or maybe they see the XXL of someone’s size and assume their worth is miniature!

Don’t let others fool you!  You are of greater worth than anyone can imagine, and your job is to shine and do what the Lord would have you do.

It doesn’t really matter if the world can see your grand worth because you weren’t sent here to impress them.  You are here to impress yourself.  Have at it, XXL grandiose person!

(I think this is a great thought for young women who are struggling with self-worth issues.  I see so many LDS yw–and just all of us in general–who don’t realize our worth.)


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